Mill Stream Way, Central Business Park, First Floor, Menzies Distribution, Swansea, SA7 0AG (Show me directions) Show Map
01792 456777 01792 456777
Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 15:00 , Saturday to Sunday: Closed
Choose Mail Boxes Etc. Swansea (MBE) for all your courier services, printing & shipping requirements. We collect, pack securely & ship items all over the world. We're your local post, parcel & print centre and part of a global network of over 2,500 business service centres.
Rent a Mailbox (like a PO Box) for your personal or business requirements. We receive your mail & parcels from any carrier and offer a mail forwarding service. We offer printing services for students such as dissertation printing & binding as well as supporting your business printing needs. We look forward to meeting you.